
Breed: Mix
Title: ONYX
Owner: Laura Kroeger

AKA - CatDog, H2. & The Whiplet.  Shimmy has been a long time coming.  As soon as Laura got into the sport of flyball she knew she needed a small, but still fairly competitive dog of her own to race.  Two years later, and after talking with multiple breeders, this little whiplet from Blue Cedar Kennels came along.  Shimmy is everything her owner could've ever hoped for and more.  She has tremendous drive, major ups, and boy does she love to run, run, run which is probably how she became NRR's fastest height dog.  After multiple broken toes Shimmy has been retired from flyball. She and her mom are going to try their hand at frisbee next! Shimmy is owned and adored by Laura Kroeger

In 2015, Laura and Shimmy were the recipients of the Fury Award! 
Shimmy in Action!